
This site created by U2 fans, for U2 fans.

Original site content © 2005-2007 u2interview.com, all rights reserved. Other content, especially audio interviews and graphics, belong to the respective copyright holders.

This site is not affiliated with U2, Interscope Records, Mercury Records, Universal Music Group, or any other official U2 related organization.

This site was produced using the WordPress blog platform. The outstanding Audio Player WordPress plugin is used to stream the interviews and other audio content. Audacity was used for any and all audio editing and is highly recommended.

Thanks go to the outstanding U2 fan sites that have helped provide audio interviews and increased the accuracy of our information; atU2.com, U2log.com, U2Wanderer.org, U2Tours.com, U2Torrents.com, and U2Exit.com.

All dates provided with interviews are believed to be accurate, but are not guaranteed to be accurate. We have checked and compared dates whenever possible with other online sources. U2Tours.com and U2Wanderer.org have been invaluable in this area. Also, this list, has been helpful in confirming some dates and this website has a wonderful collection of U2 interview transcriptions.

Thanks to Matt, Tassoula, and MichaelVox for their suggestions and help regarding the user interface.

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