Larry speaks! A week or so before The Joshua Tree is to be released on March 9th 1987, Larry drops by Dave Fanning‘s show to world premier four cuts from the album . Additionally, Larry has brought in “a bunch of records” to play, and Dave Fanning gets him to speak at length on a number of things. Topics includes; David Bowie, aging gracefully, The Joshua Tree, sounding like U2, the world tour, Joshua Tree as a double album, Bono’s lyrics, Regan’s America, drumming to serve the song, piano lessons and drum lessons, the Artane Boys Band, shoulder length hair, Mount Temple, the early days, The Sweet, Red Hill Mining Town, the U2 fan club, getting hassled by fans, living in and giving back to Dublin, the Red Hill Mining Town and With Or Without You video shoots, Larry’s hand problems, live drums, Paul Brady and Patty Smith sessions, t-shirts and ticket pricing, Exit, and Working Class Hero. Special thanks to Sue Fell for providing this interview. Originally broadcast on or about March 2nd, 1987.